What we Offer 

We are a resource for our schools as they plan and evaluate short and long-term improvement opportunities. We provide guidance, opportunities for professional development, and clear data-driven feedback. Our schools can rely on us to provide additional information and opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and growth.


Of Ohio Charter School Students

Are Students With Disabilities


We monitor every OCCS sponsored school to ensure it is observing its charter contract and continually assist them by providing resources to help them succeed. OCCS' Regional Representatives, Special Education Department, Fiscal Team, and School Improvement Team provide technical assistance and successfully work with partners to monitor school improvement plans, review state and federal accountability regulations, and align educational and performance plans. Decisions concerning opening new schools, reauthorizing existing schools, and intervening with or closing poor performers are heavily informed by data collected and monitored throughout each academic year and throughout the course of the charter contract.

  • Ensure Contracts Are Being Met
  • Achievement Exams Guidance
  • School Improvement Coaching
  • Liaise with The Ohio Department of Education
  • Education Review Upon Request
  • Provide Monthly Academic Updates

We hold our schools to high standards. In exchange, our schools enjoy the freedom to innovate and make decisions that reflect students’ needs—without additional burdens or red tape.


As sponsors, we monitor our schools’ compliance with all applicable laws and the charter contract. All monitoring is conducted by dedicated staff via document collection, contract analysis, information and resource sharing, site visit evaluation, and governing board meeting attendance. We also offer support and technical assistance to help our schools understand legislative changes. We interface with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to ensure the compliance of each sponsored school.

  • Building School Safety
  • Governance Finance
  • Special Education
  • Medical & Student Records
  • Accountability, Performance & Reporting
  • Teacher Certifications & Background Checks
  • Parental Notifications
  • Building School Safety
  • Governance Finance
  • Special Education
  • Medical & Student Records
  • Accountability, Performance & Reporting
  • Teacher Certifications & Background Checks
  • Parental Notifications

Our dedicated in-house compliance department works with our schools to ensure that requirements are met and offers additional technical assistance to help them meet their compliance obligations.

Fiscal Oversight

Our first step is to assess start-up budgets and provide fiscal training for school board members during the application process. By collaborating with the school treasurer and regularly reviewing the fiscal requirements and deadlines, we ensure that our schools are on track. We participate in the school auditing process and work with auditors to act as a liaison for the school. We review the payment reports and information issued by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) to ensure all owed payments reach schools. We work directly and frequently with schools to identify and prevent problems and keep each school in good fiscal standing.

  • Monthly Fiscal Reviews
  • Collaboration With School Treasurer
  • Board Training
  • Participation In School Auditing
  • Review DEW Payment Reports

As a careful steward of public tax dollars, OCCS provides a comprehensive package of fiscal oversight services for our member schools.

Regional Representation

As a statewide sponsor of charter schools, OCCS believes in the value of using on-the-ground resources for our schools in the form of regional representatives. Regional representatives are located in each area of Ohio where we sponsor schools, working directly with our schools on a personal level. Representatives ensure that each school is compliant 10 days before the start of the school year. Throughout the year, they attend board meetings and visit schools regularly, meeting with school leaders to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. Representatives also coordinate technical support and school complaint investigations. They act as a liaison with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.

  • Attend Board Meetings
  • Monthly Visits To Schools
  • Coordinate Technical Assistance
  • Coordinate Complaint Investigations
  • Review Special Education Files
  • Attend School-Wide Events
  • Serve As A Community Advocate
  • Connect Schools With Training, Resources & Grants/Scholarships

Regional representatives are one of the many ways that charter schools are able to perform at such high standards, affording our students the best environments for learning.

Special Education

Each year, we ensure our schools comply with all state and federal laws related to students with disabilities. A dedicated OCCS Special Education Department (SPED) conducts a data review of each school's SPED program, discusses the findings, and provides recommendations to the school administration and staff to ensure better educational outcomes for students with disabilities.

  • Handle Formal & Informal SPED Complaints
  • Assist With Response To Intervention
  • Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention
  • Professional Development
  • Child Find
  • Handle Formal & Informal SPED Complaints
  • Assist With Response To Intervention
  • Non-Violent Crisis Prevention Intervention
  • Professional Development
  • Child Find

Comprehensive Special Education Services consist of an annual audit of every Special Education program, including both remote and onsite monitoring.