As a community school sponsor, we are responsible for monitoring our schools’ compliance with all applicable laws and the terms of the charter contract.
All monitoring is conducted through a dedicated Compliance Department via document and contract analysis, and information and resource sharing. OCCS uses web-based technology to manage all compliance requirements. Each year, documents received are used to complete Annual Opening Assurances for each school. By law, verification from OCCS is required prior to a school opening its doors each year.
We also provide technical support to any of our sponsored schools that may need assistance understanding the terms of the charter contracts and/or obligations under state and federal law. We interface regularly with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to ensure compliance with each sponsored school. Annually, OCCS prepares a report on the performance of its sponsored schools. The report, sent to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, evaluates a school’s academic, fiscal, and legal compliance, along with its organization and operations.
Staff members review several thousand documents and items on an annual basis.
OCCS thoroughly monitors school compliance with building and student safety standards. We work with local agencies to verify compliant fire inspections, health and safety inspections, and food service inspections. The Compliance Team monitors school Emergency Plan Compliance and monthly reporting of school safety drills through the Ohio School Safety Center.
Regional Representatives work with our partner school boards on a monthly basis, providing information and technical assistance in the following ways:
Charter schools introduce an unprecedented level of accountability into public education. If a charter school is not improving student achievement as laid out in its charter contract, it can be closed down.